
Friday, June 21, 2013

oh dear

This picture makes my heart happy:


Don't you wish you were all cuddled up with a giant cute bear too? Maybe that's just me. I have been spending entirely too much time resting lately - but it's on doctors orders! My costochondritis (a.k.a. this awful chest inflammation that feels like I have an elephant constantly pressing down on my chest making it much too difficult to breathe) hasn't left me alone. It's been going on since May and with no signs of improvement I've had to take leave from work and focus all my attention on healing up so I can hopefully survive the summer (and my wedding - which is in less than a month now)! Eeps! I will try my best to keep the blog updated when I'm feeling spry, but this flare up is really throwing a kink in things. Rats. Alas - I'm sure I will now be very experienced with what a heart attack feels like and will only grow from the situation! So if it's quiet around here it's probably because I am napping...What have you been up to lately?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ninja Attack!

Apparently I'm all about the entertaining images this week - and today's post is no exception. Behold - one cat with ninja skills and a photographer with awesome timing:


I sort of have a feeling you'd see that flying orange fur ball in your peripheral vision...but perhaps not. Cats sure are sneaky little stinkers aren't they?  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Took me a minute...

Just in case you're suffering from a case of the Mondays (and really like random Vanilla Ice references) - enjoy:


I may have enjoyed this a bit too much, but hopefully you will find it equally entertaining. If not - perhaps you need to listen to more 90's rap.  Happy Monday! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day Embroidery

As I'm sure most of you are well aware - Father's Day is this Sunday! I always have a hard time finding something for my dad so instead of my usual "here's a gift card buy something specific I would have no idea you would ever want" deal, I thought I'd make something for him instead! Since my wonderful Pops is an avid fly fisherman and mayfly enthusiast I thought I'd mix the two with some free hand fly embroidery:

Hooray! It turned out pretty well I think and should look nice hanging with his other fishing themed pieces above his fly tying desk. Here's a close up shot so you can soak up all the fake mayfly fish tricking wonders:

Yay! Here's to hoping he likes it! What are you doing for Father's Day this year? Ever successfully make something nice for your dear old dad? 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

squirrel chair

Squirrels are most definitely my favourite rodents out there and this little teal squirrel chair is just darling:

Isn't he the cutest? Mini squirrel furniture certainly adds to the squirrel appeal if you ask me - but I've already proclaimed my love for these little fuzzy creatures so I may be bias. I do however, not appreciate them as much when they are throwing pinecones at our roof in the wee hours of the morning at the lake...but I can still appreciate their adorableness right? How about you? What is your favourite rodent? 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

card crafting

After one heck of an amazing bridal shower a few weeks ago (it had tea, pompoms, kittens, and dinosaurs), I decided to do some mild crafting and make some custom thank you cards to send the wonderful ladies who attended the shower! I whipped out some freshly purchased card making supplies I picked up at Target and went to it! 

Yup, I'm pretty in love with the stationary section at Target and am stoked that I can purchase such reasonably priced and lovely designed goodies in a shop with such wonderful lighting (seriously - Target has some great lighting). Throw in a bit of creativity and a good sharpie or two and I managed to come up with a whole whack of different cards:

Woo! It actually ended up taking me much longer than I expected to craft and write out a dozen heart-felt thank yous, but it was totally worth it and I got to send each one out in a wonderfully matchy (well, miss-matchy sort of) envelope:

Nothing like some washi tape, paper post its, and graphic cards to make my thank you dreams come true! I do think I will be skipping the card making for our actual wedding thanks cards and just see if I can manage to write nice notes in each of them - but thought they were perfect for the shower! Hooray! How are your card making skills? 

Monday, June 10, 2013

uncommon zara

I've been enjoying the sunny weather and so have the happy squirrels in my neighbourhood! Now if only I could see one like this guy from Zara Picken (link):


Oh the colours, texture, and cute/quirky subject matter is a triple win! And if you like this one you should stop by this post and see a whole bunch of other images to woo you over (link)! Which do you like best? Next to this squirrel I must say the queen stamp one is pretty sweet...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Math Meme

I must say there is nothing quite like a lolcat math joke:


Ahaha! How enjoyable! Now if only it was was showing an acute angle and not something closer to a right one... How is your week going? See anything cute lately? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

my life lately

As it turns out, my spot of unfortunate illness has done wonders for my wedding planning! I've been enjoying all the handmade crafty ideas out there on the internet and have been collecting them in one heck of a wedding pinterest pinboard! Check out how it is coming along so far:


All this time resting and healing has finally given me the chance to browse wedding ideas and has left me  ultra occupied with planning out our upcoming casual celebration and not a moment too soon since July will be here before we know it! Oh my! Fraser and I have already covered the wedding basics (venue, food, booze, guests) and just need to throw the decorating and final bits together to finish up with a lovely (and very crafty) party! Bring on the poms and thoughtful details!

In other news - all this illness and scheduling for the summer has forced me to make some tough decisions. After being set back so badly with sickness this spring and non stop flare ups since the winter I really need to put my health up on the priority list and will not be doing any craft shows this summer in Victoria. It is really a hard verdict to come up with since I love doing markets here but with my health, the wedding (and honeymoon), renovations, and moving going on I just can't put any more on my plate or my stress levels will make me burst! Oh dear! So it's decided - I'm taking the summer off markets and will start it up strong (hopefully) around the holiday season.  So in the meantime I can focus my energies on getting better - and after that - crafting up loads of fun for my wedding! It is a once in a lifetime event though - so I'm hoping to make it a good one! What do you think? Any wedding tips for me?