
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Caturday in Space!

This image pretty much made my day so hopefully it will bring some space-tastic cheer to your day as well!

Happy Caturday! I'm hoping the silliness and cuteness of this picture will get me through a morning of (very dreaded but necessary) bathing suit shopping. Ack. What are your plans? 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mary Totoro

This lovely image combines two of my favourite characters! How charming!


Now if only I could get Mary Poppins to come on over to my house and use that nanny magic to clean up my house! I'd ask Totoro to join in as well but I doubt he's as helpful with the organizing...I swear ONE of these days we will be finished renos and be finally able to unpack our house. Until then - the mess will continue to chip away at what is left of my sanity and my wonderful husband Fraser will continue to work on our (hopefully soon to be finished) lovely home! Hooray! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

New Goals

It's official - I have been motivated enough to create two wonderful new goals for myself! How lovely!
They are as follows:

Goal 1. Recreate this beautiful piece of lumpy succulent joy (on the cheap):


I'm thinking to fulfill this goal I will scavenge the thrift shops for some sort of neato jello mold, spray paint said mold,  then string that baby up and fill it with love (also known as dirt and potentially hard to kill plants). It's a plan!

Goal 2. Blog more. 

I will let you know how things go with the goals...or you know, I won't if I fail at that second one...