
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

More crafty preparation begins!

Lovely news craft friends! Despite incredibly unlikely odds - I managed to get into this year's RIH xmas craft show! Hooray!


According to my vendor cohorts from the farmer's market this is the big event to participate in for the holiday season and pretty much everyone from Kamloops attends in hopes to find loads of crafty xmas presents. Sounds perfect! The show is Sunday November 1st and runs from 10am to 4pm at Riverside Coliseum (apparently now called Sandman Centre).  So looks like I am back to the craft preparation as I restock my goods for this show! Now what to make...

Monday, September 28, 2015

squid on squid tree bombing

I'm not entirely sure what started my current obsession with squid (or pretty much any tentacled beasty) - but they're just so cool.  Add that to my love of crafty goodness and behold! One amazing yarn bomb:

Why yes that is a big plushy knit squid hanging out on a squid-like yarn bombed tree! I think I will need to get my crochet hook out pretty darn soon to make my own little squid pal (even though these are knit) and see what I can come up with. In the mean time this will have to do. What is your favourite tentacled being?