

Hello! I am so pleased to see you are interested in becoming a sponsor to my wee blog. I try very hard to write heartfelt posts and would love for you to become a part of my little corner of the internet!  If you have any questions for me feel free to drop me a line at

Onto the ad spots!

Feature XL Ad (250 x 150)  - $7
- top billing in my sponsors spot in the right side bar
- sponsor feature, guest post, or optional giveaway
- only one available per month

Large Ad (250 x 100) - $4
- second billing in the sponsors side bar
- ads rotated mid month
- spot in sponsor feature

Small Ad (125 x 100) - $2*
- a nice squarish ad spot
- ads rotated mid month

*small ads currently available for swap! All you need to do is put one of my buttons on your blog (with links) and you can get a free spot on mine! Hooray for crafty cooperation!

Sponsor Info:

I constantly strive to improve the scientific culture blog and over the last three years have written over 1000 posts sharing my love for science, crafting, life, and the internet.  I'm hoping to stir up a little extra funding through sponsorship so I can do extra craft projects, DIYs, and giveaways for you to enjoy and to allow my blog to continue to grow.

As of March 2015, Scientific Culture has:

- 414 followers with google and bloglovin'
- 309 twitter followers
- 296 facebook likes
- 494 pinterest followers
- 429 instagram followers
- 1979 hearts on etsy!

If you need assistance creating an advertisement let me know and I will do what I can to help out! I will also only be accepting static ads (no flashy ones please) and although I will consider advertisement from anyone, will only endorse sponsors who I feel suit the blog and my principles. All my product sponsorships and reviews will reflect my personal opinions and I reserve the right to refuse sponsorships to ill-fitting advertisers.  

Ad spots will be sold on a month by month basis. If you are interested in advertising for multiple months drop me a line and we can talk discounts!

Ready to go?

If you are interested in advertising on scientific culture, please send an email to including the following:

1) The ad size you would like
2) The url of the site you would like the ad to link to
3) The properly sized image based on what advertisment you are interested in purchasing
4) The email address you would like me to send the PayPal invoice to

Well I think that's about it! If you'd like to participate in this blog in another way (e.g. giveaway, feature product, or mention in an outfit post) please message me so we can chat! I really truly appreciate your support and hope you have a most wonderful day!

hugs and kittens,
