
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mini break!

Instead of celebrating the onset of September with back to school stationary and bouquets of sharpened pencils, I will relish in the fact that I'm not a slave to learning establishment this fall and visit British Columbia's capital city, Victoria! (Note the Parliament buildings and cheesy ultimate touristyness)

I've got an action packed week(ish) planned to visit old friends, potentially recover from my last month of lupus disaster, and overload my indie senses (with a ridiculous about of indie shops, indie food, and indie music)! Nothing better than a mini vacation from reality spent shopping in crafty markets and attending quite possibly the coolest autumnal music festival ever! Eee! Oh and don't worry Lindsay, I'm sure I'll be visiting some of those benches too...


  1. i am a slave to an educational institution. but yesterday in french someone brought up madame curie, and all i could think about was the button

    - lucas

  2. Can you please buy me some sharpened pencils and pads of paper? Maybe a cool binder? I have back to school/work depression... wah!
