
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's fun to participate!

Amidst my routine "I'm addicted to the internet" searches, I came across a super fun sounding "art cards, editions & originals" (ACEO) exchange challenge courtesy of amanda at ulixis! The gist of this challenge is to create an autumn themed art card (2.5" x 3") that you'll eventually send to a random participant and in return you get someone else's art!

Since I'm all about the random mail and any chance to experiment with small scale art/craft projects I joined up and am so stoked about the exchange that I'm posting this in attempt to stir interest in some of my not-so-closet crafty friends (who I all hope are reading my blog religiously - you know who you are). Everyone's welcome and you don't need an etsy site or anything so challenge yourself and sign up! You all know that getting non-bill/spam related mail is pure awesome and hey, it could be fun.

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