
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oak-y Dokey

In attempt to cross more items off my perpetual to-do list, last night I decided to whip up my first art card for ulixis' "art cards, editions & originals" (ACEO) exchange challenge! (which you may recall from my original post). I am sort of getting ahead of myself for once, since the cards aren't due until november 6th, but hey, there's nothing wrong with being overly organized. Behold:

I figure it goes with the autumn theme quite well and includes the two elements I was aiming for 1) texture (inspired by lindsay's collage art genius) and 2) cuteness (in the form of wide set eye smile acorns) ! Hurray! I also figured I could post this in hopes to wrangle in a few more participants in on the super fun challenge! Deadline is october 23rd so sign up already and get crafting.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good in my book. I really like those sea-through oak leaves. And the colours are perfect.
