
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Drumroll please...

As my first blog giveaway comes to a close, I get the exciting job of announcing the winners! Thanks to the lovely number generation of I've got 3 darling sets of thumbs up yeti button sets to deliver to the following commenters:

Congrats tara, artTales, and josh! I'll be contacting you all about delivery of your sweet sweet winnings shortly! Thanks to everyone who signed up (and participated in my ego stoking) and sorry to any late entries - I ended the draw at midnight. I'm so happy with the success of the contest I'm already planning another for december! Hooray!


  1. Boo. I almost called this unfortunate. Stupid randomness. I thought sisterhood could win this one for me for sure.

  2. Good think you didn't! Read my comment reply on the ink and button giveaway!!!

  3. awesome :D thanks! I'm super excited
