
Monday, November 16, 2009

Thumbs up for Giveaways!

In celebration of the mythical wintry addition to my pinback button collection, I've decided to beat down the monday blah's with my very first blog giveaway! That's right! Because after all, who isn't a fan of free stuff, random chance, and adorable buttons?

So here's how it works - leave a comment on this post telling me what you love most about my etsy site, blog, and/or me! (and while you're at it - follow my blog too!!!) I'll be drawing on Saturday (the 21st) and one lucky winner will receive a lovingly handcrafted thumbs up yeti button set from yours truly. Easy enough right? So get posting (one comment per person please). Good luck!


  1. First of all, I must say I looove your blog, and adorableness, and kittens. There are two super cute ones living at the house I'm staying in, and I can hear them running around upstairs at night.. cute, even as I cannot sleep :P

    So what is the thing I love most about Kate? so simple, your sweet, geeky love of all things sciency and geeky! Nothing made my day more in university then us getting all excited about a bacteria's resistance to UV light or how chimps have one more chromosome then us...

  2. The giveaway is a good idea, but I already have the yeti and friends. You don't have to put me in the draw.

  3. I enjoyed talking about genitals in the workplace, a must I think for creating postive and efficient employees. I have a quatchie, and a minue quatchie, and a quatchie keychain, and a quatchie temporary tattoo still on its glazed backing. Therefore, I think a yetti button would show them some new alpine snow monster fun. Also some word of advice: "Even if you have a map you might not know where your goin'"..keep that in minnd...quatchies eyeing you.

    p.s Sasquatch song by yours truly, so, furry snowy snow monsters are a big part of my life.

  4. Oh yeah. I love your mustachioed kitties, and Neal loves the finger puppets. And love robots.

  5. hookahs!!!
    i mean, you make lots of enthusiastic hand gestures when you speak, and i like that a lot.
    i like your blog because it's 24/7 accessible Kateness. i like your shop because I believe that kittens were intended to sport pretentious facial hair on their SUPER CUTE faces.

    - lucas

  6. How about everything? You are spunky, horribly amusing, have the talents to make even ME blush at times, adorable, fantastic, (I'm pretty sure we had this conversation on the phone a few weeks ago) sexy, talented, creative, intelligent.... blah blah blah blah you get the idea :)

  7. I thought the bacillus was my favourite... but the yeti is my new favourite! I love all your pins. Keep it up! ~Tara S.

  8. Hey Kate! My favourite thing about your blog is how good it looks. And how it always has pictures. And how you post pictures of foxes and thumbs-up yetis. And...

    ...well, you get the idea.


  9. There is not a day that goes by that I do not look at my dinosaur pin and smile!! Thats what I love most about you, your crafty creations and your fantastic knowlegde of all things molecular, is that they always make me smile!!! Keep it up Kate, your amazing!!
    Hugs and Kittens,

  10. Kate your stuff is cute, original, crafty, and educational...all in one. Sometimes when i'm sitting in the back room at Starbucks and i'm having a bad day, and I look up and there's little pseudimonious arigenosa (totally spelled that wrong) looking down with its cute little just really lifts my spirits. I mean bacteria have a shitty life. Their gross, they cause havoc and no one wants them around. Yet this one still manages a inspiring if you think about it.
    I also think if a pinecone really did have eyes and a mouth, that they would indeed be all in line with eachother just as you have it.
    Lastly, redesigning this blog to the best of my ability is still on my to-do don't you worry!

  11. nerdy+cute=win!
    I think that says it all :P

  12. I am a fan of wide set eyes and tiny little smiles. perfect recipe for cuteness.


  13. kate,
    you're my soulmate! i think that says it all :P!
    you are super awesome and i love all your incredibly adorable creations!
    and i absolutely LOVE working with you!

  14. Your items are super cute! I love your designs :) Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  15. I remember when this whole thing started.. your sleeves, the puppets, my graphics. It's really come along way.. You've really carved a spot for yourself and your product is top quality. I'm impressed and inspired by all your crafty ideas and can't wait to see what you come up with next.


  16. I mostly just like the seeds. Pinecones and acorns are friggin' adorable. I'm waiting for a third one to present itself and then I can make my OWN set.

  17. I know it's been said to death but I'm feeling that Yeti. It's just too cute for words and the love robot charm makes me want to hug it to death and chant "Danger, Will Robinson, Danger"

  18. I love the dinosaur button set!!

  19. Oh wow! I love your stuff! This set is perfect for me. I have my 4 year old convinced a winter beast yeti lives in the woods behind our house and my own husband wasn't sure if a jackalope was real or not. :) Following your blog/hearted your shop. I love gnomes and foxes too. Even more so, when gnomes are riding on foxes. thanks for doing a giveaway and giving me the chance to maybe win. xo
    kimberly.mace at gmail dot com

  20. Not only do I really really love this button set and your fresh cartoon drawings, I love the name of your Etsy and creations:)

    Thanks for the chance:)


  21. your etsy creations are sooo fun, I also really like your playlist on your blog!

    jrerwin6 at gmail dot com

  22. I love how cute all of your items are - especially your robots!
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  23. I like how playful your items are!!!!

  24. Your stuff is so adorably geeky! I really like the Love Robot Cell Phone Charm and the Mycology Gnome Finger Puppets!

  25. I have just found your blog and your shop is lovely!!! I love Famous Scientist Finger Puppets , they're so funny!!!!

    cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

  26. Aiieeeee! Oh, too life-threatening cute! Thank you so much for having this giveaway, so I could find your wonderful wonderful blog! I love the banner and the layout and the art and the posts! And of course the art, oh the super cute art!

    Forgive the gushing. I am in blog love. I am following this blog, singing happily like a minstrel. Off to heart your shop now!

