
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Handmade Holidays

This year I decided to take on the (all too daunting) task of making xmas cards! Usually I barely manage to even send out a card, let alone handcraft some - but I'm all for overachieving this year. After many many hours of late night paper cutting and struggling with ultra sticky gluey fingers they are complete! At last!

I'm pretty happy with how they turned out - especially taking in to account that this is my first real paper crafting attempt. I tried to stick to art basics - composition, balance, colour, and texture which seemed like logical "awesome card" elements to aim for. Each card is a little different (particularly with snowflake placement - and man those are annoying to glue on) so here's to hoping any lucky recipients love the thumbs up yeti goodness!

Also hoping they don't all fall apart in the mail...but that's all part of the homemade charm right?


  1. Those are amazing! Thumbs-up Yeti for the win!

  2. So pretty!
    I just found your blog! :)

  3. I love these!
    And I just found your blog too ;) through rikrak's giveaway winner..

  4. Your blog is becoming popular! Those are sweet. I hope I get one!

  5. i understand the 3am card sessions. They look great!

