
Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Find: Jewelweeds

This week's find celebrates my love for linen! Thanks to the fantastic email shopping etsy provides with my daily fix of "etsy finds", I've come across the lovely screen printed nature inspired linen goodness of jewelweeds! I instantly fell in love with all of Julia White's items especially her needle cases, like the one below:

I think another big part of why I love her shop is her fantastic pictures! Great items and wonderful pictures are hard not to fall for - heck! etsy even fell for her work and made her a featured seller! And just in case you haven't seen enough of her linen wonders, here's a few more I've been drooling over:

And in case this isn't overly obvious already - these friday finds make great gift guides too! *hint hint*. hahaha....ha....


  1. That stuff is gorgeous. Good thing my birthday is coming up!

  2. Leslie always with the birthday! Mines first in more ways that one. Mom
