
Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Bday Newton!

So my sister just informed me that it's Sir Isaac Newton's birthday (which I promptly double checked) and thought I should post about! Especially since I sold my last set of famous scientist finger puppets today to a lovely etsy chatter (which I feel obligated to make more sets of - even though they are painfully time consuming). Oh Newton.

He was one heck of a scientist too! Seriously. He did it all - universal gravitation, laws of motion, classic mechanics, reflecting telescope, angular momentum, and the groundwork for differential and integral calculus! Way to go man! And all with that dreamy Micheal Bolton fashion hair style! Perhaps I should listen to my sister more often...but then again she also suggested I change my blog name to "scientific culture and leslie". So maybe not...


  1. Um HELLOOOOOOO? You double checked me? ME??? Sheesh. I learned it straight off the Google homepage too.

    I think the name change would be good, but with more exclamation marks:

    Scientic Culture -- and Leslie!!!!!!

  2. Definitely not! Especially if you spell "scientific" wrong! Way to show off that English degree...

  3. Pbbthththppp!

    That's right!

    Most mature response EVER!

  4. Who'd guess you're almost 30! (that's right - THIRTY - that's old!!!)

  5. Don't make me bring up my career and husband, both of which I had when I was your age.

    That's right! I said it!

    (ignore the fact that I hate my career)

  6. Except I don't want your career you hate OR Neal. So lame reretort...

  7. If only he had a mustache, plaid, woodland creatures, and was a vampire. THEN you might want him.

  8. 2009 was last year Leslie. Get with the times...

  9. My goodness, you girls even fight on a blog post! At least I don't have to referee! Now go make peace with each other. Mother

  10. Scientific Culture and Leslie... it has a nice ring to it! Hee hee hee!

  11. Happy Birthday Newton!

    I didn't know what he wanted this year, so I got him a Slap Chop. Hope he doesn't already have one!
