
Wednesday, January 20, 2010


At long last my spur of the moment etsy purchase has arrived! A gorgeous ruffle clutch from made by hank. This is one lady's shop that is in high demand. Seriously. I've discovered that if you ever want to purchase an item you need to keep an eye on her blog. She'll post when she's listing new items in the shop at which point you can sneak your way in there to snafooze what you'd like! She's also an etsy featured seller! And to top it all off she wonderfully packages her sales (which I've photographed the first one is her picture...but the other ones document my clutch opening):

I can't wait to nonchalantly work this into my wardrobe. Because, you know, I'm cool like that...


  1. You're cool like that? I thought you were a geek :) Ha ha! Rad clutch. I totally want one. I'll check out that shop.

  2. Oh my gosh, gorgeous!! I love the color; it's so rich.

  3. Guess who just bought the big clutch. I have to own everything you do. I'm SO incredibly excited!

  4. Cute cute cute. Thank you for posting this! I always wanted to see how she packaged her work.

    By the way, I grew up in Vernon!
