
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Busty DIY

This past summer I spent a day downtown with my best buddy jim. We went for lunch at a local restaurant, shopped around some of the boutiques, and poked around in (what used to be located downtown) bookland. This is where I discovered the amazing awesomeness that is the magazine Bust! I swear this publication was made for me. It's full of everything I love from etsy shops and great fashion ideas to wonderful music and film reviews. So good! Jim was even nice enough to buy me a subscription to bust for my birthday (which sort of turned into a belated bday present - but I'm grateful regardless).

Yup. Loads of back story right? Well. I do have a point. I received the feb/mar edition of the magazine the other day and am in love with this crocheted blanket!

I've been meaning to make a granny square blanket for a really long time now!! Ok, in all honesty I started one back in 2004 when I moved to kelowna/nelson but lost momentum due to boring colour choices...but the colours on this one are wonderful! And the square pattern is fun and feminine! Plus I've been extra inspired to crochet up a storm thanks to the crocheted wonderfulness in brett and jemaine's apartment on flight of the conchords. So clearly the crochet blanket is a craft must. I mean if bust says so it must be right?

Best of all? The magazine even includes the pattern! Look:

Yup. No excuses now. I must do this project. I just need to go buy like 20 skeins of yarn and find a few weeks worth of spare time. In the mean time, you should go buy this magazine and attempt this blanket along with me...chances are you'll get it done before me too...the challenge is on...


  1. It's a race!

    I'll just learn how to crochet, pick out the colours (all black, for the win!), and round up all the gear... also, figure out exactly what that pattern means. Because it's all greek to me...

  2. I wonder where my old granny square blanket is now? I made it when I lived at home so I must have been in my teens! My goodness that was a couple of years ago. Just a reminder Kate and Leslie my birthday is approaching at light speed. Mom

  3. I will WIN! But then again, I might have trouble buying 20 skeins of yarn... I will race you though, seriously.
