
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quiz: What's your colour?

Amidst my internet surfing I came across this fun quiz thanks to how about orange:

That's right - just answer a few simple questions and find out which colour matches you! I did the test and apparently I'm black. Hmm...

I'm pretty sure I don't have any problems dealing with mass amount of attention though...just saying.... So the question that remains is what colour are you? And how seemingly accurate is it? Take a moment and indulge in the internet quiz. It's fun. I promise.


  1. I can't believe it but I am black too! Leslie what colour are you? Mom

  2. OH NO! I think that Leslie will be giving me a punctuation lesson as I left out a couple of commas. Mom

  3. I'm Yellow! I'm a powerful thinker with and attraction to art. Maybe that is why I made your blog my home page.

  4. Purple!? PURPLE!? Seriously? Yikes. Could you see me in purple? Ha ha.

  5. i got purple and thats my fav colour! love when quizzes go my way :)

  6. Yellow!!??? I was really hoping for blue. Oh well. :)


  7. Ooh! Brown is my colour, and there's a picture of rubber boots and a fishing creel on it. Woowoo!
