
Friday, March 26, 2010

Bloggy Overhaul

If you haven't noticed (which my mom certainly did not), I've been playing around with the new blogger template designs and did a mini overhaul to my blog! I'm so pleased that blogger has given the computer illiterate, such as myself, new easy ways to customize! Hooray!

I still have a few little kinks to work out but would love to know what your response to the design is! I feel like I might have gone a little overboard on the blues but I tried to put enough greys and grey-blues in there to keep it neutral and simple. So what do you think?


  1. Delightful but I am easy to please. Mom

  2. Now that I look at it again, it is much brighter and easier on the eye. Mom

  3. Wouldn't have noticed. Looks better.

  4. Still nice and bright and cosy round here!

  5. I am with you there as far as the computer illiterate remark is concerned!

    It looks good, nice and fresh, although I didn't see what it looked like before.

  6. It looks bigger and brighter :)

  7. Hm. I like how the individual posts are in their own blocks of white. That's really cool.
