
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Magnets too!

After feeling ridiculously ill for way too long, I decided to try to push the flu/dizziness aside and tackle a few items on my to do list! So with the towels and sheets in the wash, I was ready to make some of my new button sets into magnets! Hooray! Behold the photographic evidence:

Oh how lovely! Now all my sets are available in magnet form in the shop! There was much better lighting than the last time I tried to take pictures of my new sets too. Wonderful! It was curious how I managed to get the photos done so quickly and then realized why that's a hint:

Oh stinkums. Those are some cute little feet sticking out of that blanket. I couldn't resist the under blanket peek:

So cute! If only he wasn't so evil! Now I just need to try to schedule my picture taking around percy's nap times! Theoretically that shouldn't be too hard since he naps like 18 hours a day...but you'd be surprised. That cat is pure evil. Pure adorable evil.


  1. Veggies please! Or just a storm cloud to interpret how I feel with out my veggies! Awesome(x2).

  2. Percy isn't evi,l he is just territorial. He only attacks strangers (on the whole) and he loves me! Mom
    P.S. I still love the bow tie button.

  3. oops another typo, evi,l could be a word ..... okay, maybe I am pushing it. Mom

  4. Ha! Evil and possessing an unsightly freckle on his nose!

    Love the magnets. They're almost as good as my CONTEST WINNING PRIZE BUTTONS!

  5. awwwww
    The shot of Percy's paws gave me such a chuckle. :)
