
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rainbow Pussy Willows

Betz White's fantastic rainbow pussy willow tutorial really caught my eye and I couldn't help but share it with everyone! Seriously! Look how amazingly simple and ascetically pleasing this is:

It really makes me want to go hunting for perfect branches to use! And hey, if you're not the felt ball type I bet you could substitute little pom poms! (and you all know how much I LOVE pom poms!) Once again the whole "I live in my parent's basement" thing puts a bit of a kink in the works since there is certainly no room for any more of my design/crafty endeavors. But a girl can dream can't she? Come on mom! Who needs a kitchen when we could have a rainbow pussy willow arrangement? don't need to answer that....

Bonus fact for lindsay - I have had this post scheduled since march 10th so don't think that you sending me a print out of this as "item two" in your pen pal-ery lead to this! In fact it just reassures the fact that we are, indeed, the same person. Hooray for pen pal soul mates!!!


  1. You are right, Kate, who needs a kitchen when we could fill it with little pom pom thingies. It would sure get me out of making meals. Wait! Doing the dishes in the bathroom is getting REALY old but the altered pussy willow branches are really adorable. Mom

  2. Perhaps washing the dishes in the finished kitchen and putting the Pussy Willows in the bathroom would be a lovely compromise? Just saying...

  3. I actually don't like the coloured pussy willows. I like the real ones more.

    But the penpal thing is cool.

  4. This looks awesome! I wanna try this. I think I would make a color combo that would match my bedroom rather than make it rainbow. Great find!
