
Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Showers

Time for a little extra celebration of one of my favourite button sets of my new design bunch - rain! Nothing beats a nice downpour to cool off a hot summer day and there is nothing like a little april sprinkle to help melt away the snow and bring out those spring flowers! Apparently I'm not the only one that thought so since Hearts Run Free snagged an april shower's themed treasury:

Darling! Check it out here until later tonight, or just check out the image above for long lasting rainy enjoyment!

And if that wasn't enough I also got a nice mention in AJ's blog as she received her rain button set from my giveaway! Glad to see she's enjoying her buttons (and her mini moo bookmark too)! Hooray! I got an email from kate (another of my giveaway winners) who said her microbe pins are enjoying their stay on her backpack. Cute!

Oh - looks like my woodland creatures made it into treasury form too (Yay!). This one is particularly cute - thanks Abject Craftility!

Anthropomorphic creatures are my fav! Check it out here for some click and comment love! What a wonderful day!


  1. HOly Mackeral. You're super popular today. Spring is definitely your season.

  2. Hurray for Kate! She does such nice work on anything she tackles. Mom
