
Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Egg-stra-special" Easter Tutorial

In grade 9 I had an extra odd Australian math teacher who would:

1) show daily Australian comic strips on the overhead before starting a lesson...which no one would ever get but he would laugh loudly at whatever the joke was ("hahaha! dog ran into the fence!")

2) play Beatles albums in silent reading

3) tell us that if you put something in quotations it is allowed to be spelled wrong. Then he'd try to make every example an "egg-sam-pill"-y spectacular pun. Hence the title of this post, and the quotations, and this prologue to the tutorial...

Now onto the post!

I'm not sure about you, but this picture certainly inspired me to want to make this craft!

But then I realized that (wow another list!):

1) I have way too much on my enormous to-do list after being ill for so long

2) Sending something this large in the mail would cost way too much for what it's worth. Boo Canada Post. Be cheaper please!

3) It's easter today! So even if I did manage to make this it would be a little maybe next year?

So even if I don't get around to making it, I felt compelled to share it regardless. Behold - the cutest eastery pen pal tutorial yet:

Thank you poppytalk for being wonderfully inspiring and such great photographers! But if anyone feels like attempting this and sending it to me late I'd be okay with that...or perhaps I should track down Mr. Walker and send it to him? I wonder if he ever moved back to Australia...


  1. The man's name in the cartoon was "Wall" too, I think. And the dog was much, much smarter than the man, who spent all his time fixing fences.

    We got to listen to the Beatles AND the Eagles. Woo!

    Nice egg. You can make one for your niece or nephew next year. And then they can smash it!

  2. He only listened to the beatles when I took math 9 - but you're definitely right about "Wall" now that you mention it!

    Oh and I am not encouraging violence in any babies!

  3. Now to try for another typo free post. That looks like something I would have done when I was young. We used to blow out eggs and dye them. I wonder who ate the eggs after they were in a bowl, probably my Dad. Funny but I listened to the Beatles when I was in grade nine, as well, but not in class! Mom

  4. is it me, or are those white polka dots "egg-stra" white?
