
Friday, April 2, 2010

Freebie Alert!

Looks like I'm breaking my "one post a day" rule like crazy today and going for a fourth post! Oh my! This one is really worth it though - craftyFOLK (the awesome etsy shop I used as a friday find way back in november) is giving away 12 packs of her lovely owl stickers to anyone willing to blog about how wonderful her shop is! (Check out the freebie offer here)! All you have to do is write a post about your favourite item from her shop! Well - I couldn't chose one favourite so here are four:

Man her stuff is darling! In fact, I made a purchase from her shop a few weeks ago and am painstakingly waiting for it to arrive! That is one thing about long weekends I despise - no post! I'm sure I'll be doing a post on how much I love my new necklaces when they get here so keep your pants on, they'll arrive soon...I hope...


  1. I think that mug is the best! I love old typewriters...

    And here I thought I'd be getting scientific culture stickers for commenting on something... ah well.
