
Monday, April 19, 2010

Sbux Cacti

Starbucks often carries some of the cutest tea cups and mugs out there! Being a mug hoarder (I must have 30+ mugs at this point...and the collection continues to grow...), I feel like I've developed "cute mug radar" and am naturally drawn to attractive cups. As soon as I saw the adorable nesting tea cup set starbucks, I knew I had to snap it up! Recently my mug selecting abilities have teamed up with my mom's cacti collection to come up with this creation:

Aren't they darling? I bought the cacti at "the greenery" in kelowna last time I was there and I am so happy with how well they fit these tea cups. I also really like how my mom put aquarium rocks on top of the cactus soil for a more finished look. Perfect! One more wonderful thing? How easy it was to take that picture! Yet again I've managed to photograph while stinkums (percy) is napping! And boy did he ever look cute...until I woke him up trying to capture his cuteness...

I think at this point he was still deciding whether or not to come attack me, but that glare is priceless. Maybe he's just upset that I brought cacti home and not more spider plants he very much prefers to munch on...tough toots bubba. Those cacti are staying.


  1. What can I say, I'm fortunate to have such a great daughter to buy me the cacti and cups (planters). Mom xox

  2. What a cute idea! I kill plants so maybe cacti would be more forgiving ;)

  3. I could sure use some cacti as a pity present... wah :(

  4. Cacti and Bamboo are probably my two favourite plants probably entirely because they don't need much help from me to grow. I recently got this one...

    ...for a friend as an apartment warming gift :P
