
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Have you ever FELT like crafting?

I'm quite the fan of felt. It comes in great colours, is relatively inexpensive, and doesn't fray like crazy like most fabrics do. Oh felt! So I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was when I saw this exciting felt tutorial over at martha's craft department:

Okay, so it sort of looks like some sort of alien topographical map, but no - it is a scrap felt rug! How charming! You should definitely check out the tutorial and attempt it if you've got the time! And scrap felt for that matter! I seem to use up every little piece I can get my hands on making felt finger puppets - but I'm quickly discovering that finger puppets are way too much effort for what they're worth (and I do enjoy projects I can actually make a profit on much more). *Sigh* But felt is pretty much the awesomest medium to craft with so maybe I'll try to find some extra time. And although the green topography rug is pretty sweet I'd really prefer to do this one:

Yup, much more my style! Smaller project with a higher chance of instant results - plus its tea and tree related! What's not to lose? All you need is some felt, glue, and scissors! Sounds awesome! Check out the stump trivet tutorial here! Oh martha (except actually martha's fantastic design team), what brilliant craft ideas will you come up with next?


  1. Yikes! That looks like a ton of work but it does look impressive. The tree trivet does look more manageable. Mom

  2. Great post! I have been saving my scraps recently and haven't figured out what to do with them ... I was thinking some kind of pathetic pincushion, but this idea is much more awesome - I will definitely be giving the trivet a try!


  3. I do love me an alien topographical map! :)


  4. This is amazing. I would do a skinny rectangular trivet style runner for my moms table. I'm thinking a this is a start of a craft night in Kamloops.
    (Martha is my idol.)

  5. Felt is my number one, absolute favorite thing to craft with, too!! It is so wonderful!!! I know what you mean about not having scraps. I usually use every single tiny scrap. :)

  6. wow that looks so cool! I love felt but it makes me itchy :( so I will stick with fleece!
