
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hooray for May!

I can't believe it! May is here! And May 1st also means I'm setting up for my very first craft show as we speak (well...that is if you read this at 9am when it posts....). If not, then either the show is going on, or the show is over and I'm frantically packing up and bolting back to Kamloops for the We are the City/Aidan Knight concert at the loft! Woo! What an action packed day!

So in normal first of the month fashion, I'll show off May's calender page of my kittens inspired by kittens inspired calender:

And at some point will even be updating my monthly soundtrack so share my most current obsessions in music! Hooray for May! Let's hope for the best month yet! Oh, and fewer health problems this month please, I think I've had enough in April to get away with a healthy month for once...


  1. oh oh! im reading it 8 minutes after it posted so that means right now you are setting up! enjoy setting up :) hope it all goes wonderfully!

  2. Hope the Craft show goes amazingly well!

  3. hey it's me, the jewellery girl from the craft show today - hope it was successful for you!
    cute blog - i'm following it now :)
