
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bizarre Bazarre - vol. III

I've officially completed my third show at the bizarre bazaar and I'm here to share the lovely highlights with you! Hooray! After a two week hiatus I'm back in action and ready for the record heat and (potential) record sales. Here I am setting up and getting pumped for the lovely day:

What fun! I managed to snag my favourite shady spot too (ideal for the 40 degree weather and pale skin)! Set up was a breeze as I'm finally getting used to this craft show business and I'm still in love with how my table looks:

Nothing really changed on my table this week but I'm hoping to find some extra time before the big 40th anniversary biz baz next week to make my goods ultra awesome! Right now ideas of a pennant flag, a line of bags, and more popular product (chlamydia plush, coffee sleeve, pocket mirrors) are floating through my brain but my actual work schedule interferes quite a bit.

As for the show itself - it was the most successful one yet with loads of sales of buttons (that sign really seemed to work), magnets, pocket mirrors, plush, and post cards! Yay! I was worried the extreme heat would be too much for potential shoppers to handle but apparently not! And my jersey cotton (tshirt and skirt) outfit was great at keeping me from overheating! I also got the chance to wear my new foxy key ring I bought at the art gallery last week:

Other highlights of the day included the cutest old couple that planted themselves on the grass for the second live music act, the most wonderful garden view from my table, a hilarious Rumpelstiltskin abridged play, and a cup full of fabric ring productivity! Take a peek:

Sweet! I even got visits/help from fraser, jim, mom, and lindsay too! I'm hoping that next week the weather is still fantastic (but perhaps a little cooler - say 28?) and that the crafty success keeps getting better! Hope to see many more of you there! And if anyone has any ideas of what I should focus working on I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Focus on making money! What do you think will do that?

  2. I don't know Les - hence why I asked for help! More product means more to buy but a prettier more showy booth might draw more people in to buy! What to do?

  3. I think it is time to actually make those pom pom lanterns on a string, hang them from the tent and then when people ask about them you can say they are a custom order. hooray!


  4. To hot to think! It was 32 at the lake!!! I didn't bring a swimsuit. Now I am sweating in the sewing room. Mom
