
Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to be alone

Nothing like an artsy video to brighten up a thursday! I found this video amidst my daily visit to craft: and loved it! (One problem with scheduling posts weeks in advance = everyone has probably already seen this by now!) Plus it is wonderfully insightful and shot in Halifax! Take a moment to absorb:

What did you think? Are you motivated to go solo dancing? I'm not quite there yet...but I figure this video is a good place to start! What did you get out of it?


  1. hi! i hadn't watched this video yet...despite seeing it on a few blogs. i finally did and it is amazing. i actually love going to the movies alone. i was nervous the first time but it is great.
    your kitty percy is so adorable! his little "dirt splotch" is precious :) yeah for cats with freckles.
    i love your blog and your etsy shop too, i'm glad i came by.

  2. I noticed:
    Fashion opportunity-Pants tucked into socks.
    Home furnishings-Knitted goods (all she's got is)
    Language-Super cool accent
    Instrament-sweet sweet harmonica
    Video-awesome awesome awesome.

