
Monday, August 9, 2010

Camera Strap Tutorials

As I'm sure you know, blogging and etsy selling is often all about the pictures! What better way to combine your love for crafting and photography then with your very own DIY camera strap! I certainly thought it was a great idea, and so did how about orange as they did a post all about camera-related sewing projects. Since I'm already quite pleased with my camera case I was particularly drawn to the strap tutorials and lucky for us there are two available at different skill levels! Yay!

If you're not quite the expert seamstress and crafter, design sponge's covered camera strap is best for you. It shows you how to turn your strap into a masterpiece in just a few easy steps! And check out the results:

Oh how lovely! And if you're up for some extra credit sewing I suggest taking a gander at ikat bag's complete camera strap tutorial instead. I absolutely love the fabric they used to make their tutorial strap and it looks simple enough:

Now I'll just need to keep my eyes pealed for the perfect strap fabric! Hurrah!


  1. IIII loooooveee it! Now I just need a camera, dang.

  2. Well, I loved the second one and it would be easy to do after you find just the right material. Alas, right now I am bogged down with sewing little things for my upcoming grandchild. Hey, I should get at it. Mom

  3. That's right, Mom! Sewing little things has got to be fun!

    Neat straps. I think the fabric is what makes them look so awesome. I'd love to try making one sometime, but I'm pretty busy laying around on the couch eating all day.
