
Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Find: slide sideways

You know what is great? Surfing through other people's etsy favourites and discovering the most wonderful new shops! After a nice browse of quinn's fav list I fell for the wonderful screen printed organic loveliness of slide sideways. Fantastically simple and charming designs in drool-worthy colour pallettes! Take a look at a few of their products:

How awesome! I'm particularly drawn to their paper goods since I've decided moving into a new place pairs well with new etsy inspired decorating schemes! I'm thinking a nice inspirational wall of handmade screen/letter press prints in black frames? Preferably super rad designs in muted tones on white paper?? Too bad moving actually pairs with tons of extra costs and budgeting. Good thing my birthday is coming! Etsy money from everyone please! Okay - perhaps not...but once some spare funds come my way I'll be sure to make sure the printed goods of slide sideways are on my spending list! Yay!


  1. This is my inspiration. lovely lovelydesign.

  2. Is that poor hot air ballon going to commit scizzerside! I hope not. Mom

  3. That Balloon print is brilliant.

  4. Those are awesome prints. And for the record, I think you'd be better off making decorations yourself and saving the money for school or whatever.
