
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Road Trip Hello!

A while back (july 4th to be exact) I shared a post about "faces in places", a lovely blog that showcases a collection of images of everyday items that appear to be looking at you! Well, as promised I have been keeping my eyes peeled for just the right item to add to their flickr group and my road trip to vancouver last sunday was it! My tea just couldn't help but shout "hello!" to me on our way out of town:

Good morning tea! Thanks for being so minty and settling my tummy for me! Yup - pretty excited to finally get a snapshot of an item with a face! Maybe it will even make its way over to their blog - or their book! What fun!

In other news the whirlwind vancouver trip was a success! We had a rainy smoke devouring drive down in time for some quick shopping and lunch in the heart of vancouver. Then it was back to the outskirts for some moving preparation mass shopping - at the best place on earth:

Hooray for Ikea! And an even bigger hooray for the sweet deals we got in their massive warehouse of amazing goods:

Yay! So much fun! I managed to get almost all the items on my "required furniture and goods for the new house" and didn't even max out my credit card! Now I just need to get the last few items (shower curtain, cutlery tray, and shoe rack) in town somewhere and we'll be set! Oh, and I have a week of insane packing and purging left as well...minor details...


  1. I would say, the top three happiest places on earth are:
    Playmobil Fun Park
    (In no particular order)


  2. the tea was happy to make you happy!!
    and YEAH Ikea!!!!

  3. What exactly is a "smoke devouring drive"? I think they should start using those in the places up North that are heavily affected by the smoke!

    Ikea is awesome, but so is Prince Rupert :)

  4. I have loved Ikea ever since it was tiny little store on No. Three Road in Richmond. I was still living at home then, thirty something years ago. Mom

  5. FYI to Mom: it's probably been much more than 30 years, because I'm nearly 30, and you were married and moved away for a long time before you had me. Yep. We're both old.
