
Saturday, September 25, 2010

DIY Book Binding!

I've always wanted to dabble in the world of bookbinding (pretty much anything remotely stationary involved really) and luckily Janis from Pinecone Camp shared a lovely book binding tutorial over at poppytalk a while back! Hooray! And look at the charming little custom notebook you can make:

As long as you've got enough hand-eye co-ordination to handle and awl (or know someone who can help you...) it looks pretty simple! I love the little custom details janis added to her example like the sticker pouch and pretty paper! you think anyone would be interested in some scientific culture themed mini notebooks for the upcoming craft sales I've signed up for? Perhaps? Maybe just a slight chance? Okay okay, I'm trying to work fun new projects into my next few months of hardcore craft production but do you blame me? Book binding is oh so tempting! We'll see what I manage to come up with...

1 comment:

  1. Ime a bookbinder, nice little note book with Japanese sewing.

