
Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Find: bespoke uprising

This week's find is even more proof that I am a sucker for handprinted linens! Bespoke uprising is a wonderful shop with amazingly simple and drool worthy fabrics - I mean look at these tea towels:

*Sigh* So lovely! And it is yet another one of those shops where I actually like everything they have to offer! From wallets and shirts to towels and fat quarters I love it all! Plus they're Canadian! I think this shop goes straight on the xmas list for me! What's your favourite?

Oh! p.s. - please take note of my new favicon (the little icon next to the my blog URL at the top of your screen). I spent an entire hour post work/pre-concert working on it and I think it is a nice touch! Plus who doesn't like little wide set eye smiles?


  1. Oh, they are lovely tea towels. I think the orange accents would be perfect for your home!

  2. Those are cute! I noticed the favicon the other day when I visited your blog. So cute! How do you do that?

  3. If I ruled the universe I would certainly have a lot of tea towels...

    And thanks Marci! I created a super tiny image from my bacillus avatar logo, uploaded it onto the internet, and then changed the html so he would pop up! (I used this tutorial -

  4. I love how you're into tea towels, but you're not the dishwasher :) Hehehe. They do look nice hanging on the stove though, and these are particularly pretty. Very old-fashioned. Maybe you should go back to school to become a fabric printer or something like that.
