
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i < 3 kate miller-heidke

As I hinted at a few days ago with my mini break recap - there was one performer I saw during my weekend at rifflandia that topped the rest! In fact, this artist was so magnificent that I could have only seen her and it would have made the entire trip worthwhile! Bold statement? Perhaps - but believe me, once you fall for australian singer/songwriter kate miller-heidke there is no turning back! In fact I'm so overwhelemed with kmh's awesomeness that I've dedicated this entire blog post to her so I can hopefully inspire you to check her out as well! Woo!

We first caught a listen of kate during friday afternoon's war child benefit unplugged show and she was so amazingly awesome (with her darling guitarist/husband keir nuttall) that 1) we felt it necessary to tackle her down after the performance to purchase her cd and 2) we rearranged our saturday night plans to see her perform at market square (and no, my pictures from the night weren't this rad - this one is from the rifflandia gallery):

Our festival guides described her as "australian regina spektor" and they didn't lie! She's catchy, quirky, and super talented with a range of "stick in your head for the next week" songs I certainly can't get enough of! Plus she works in opera vocals like no other...check out her singing "politics in space" a song she wrote about sadly missing out on the 60's:

*Sigh* So lovely! But don't stop there - see her (and her super odd colour changing pore strip) with "can't shake it", or some live performances of "are you f*cking kidding me" or the britany cover of "toxic". Yup. Amazing. Enjoy.


  1. hey! I am reading this on your computer! I am super slow now. Mom

  2. OH KMH...Nothing compares to her live but I'll take this.

  3. The operatic stuff is a little weird, but then so is Regina Spektor, and I really like her, though I didn't at first. Maybe this will change too.
