
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ikea + 100 cats

It is common knowledge to those close to me (and recurring blog fans) that I am crazy about two things - cats and Ikea! So I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was when Ikea set 100 cats loose in their store one night for an advertising campaign. If you're an avid blog reader (or tv watcher) I'm sure you've seen the commercial, but I was particularly taken by this video about the project (with the ad at the end). Take a peek (it's super adorable):

Now all I need to do is fix fraser's allergy to cats, purchase a house filled with ikea goodness (with lotto winnings of course), and then get kitty herding! Okay - so in reality it wouldn't take very long for the ikea house to start smelling I guess the commercial will have to do for now! But I'll keep brainstorming...


  1. You are definitely going to be a crazy cat lady before you're 60! Maybe before 30...


  2. I remember seeing this a few days ago, and was totally going to send it your way! Then.... I forgot. And... oh yeah! There's a new Simon's Cat to check out (I was gonna tell you that, too.... but then I forgot). :)
