
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New house!

Hello! Finally it is time for a lovely update from me and my adventures in moving! And since I've run out of scheduled blog posts, looks like no better time than now to get sharing! Also, I realize I failed at taking actual "moving" pictures in all the excitement (oops) but here is a glimpse at my new dwelling:

Oh how cute! You can certainly tell we're the rental on the block by the sad shape of the front garden and lack of plants but it is fall so there isn't much point in putting too much effort into the garden until spring. And on the plus side there is way more room and storage than I expected from the viewings we had! Turns out the last tenants oversized furniture and general cluttered mess really skewed by view on the place! Hooray!

As for unpacking - whew! What a long process! We've got everything pretty much unpacked with the exception of my crafting nook. And after a few trips to zellers for some extra supplies, everything is coming together nicely. So far I'm focusing on getting settled and organized and figure I can deal with making it look pretty later on (like when our couch arrives for the living room!). Oh! And once it is all spiffy I plan to take some pictures to give you all a virtual tour! Fun! For the mean time, here is a nice "before" picture of my crafting nook:

Haha. I don't know why I only took two moving pictures, but apparently some pre-moved in crafting corner photographic evidence was required! Just wait for the transformation! Yay!

In other news - our internet is still not working (boo) so it might be a few days before I'm back to the wonderful world wide the meantime my once a day checks will have to do...


  1. Oh, no. That desk is completely under the wrong window. Shabby movers.

  2. I'm home. It was cold at the lake and there is tons and tons of stuff to be stored or tossed! It will be easy to move the desk to its correct place. Oh, ye of little faith! Mom

  3. Your house is super cute and I love all the windows in your studio :))

  4. YAY!! That's a very cute house! I can't wait to see more pictures! :)
