
Saturday, October 2, 2010


As promised - I didn't feel my mini break to victoria recap I did the other day was quite enough to spill the beans of all the fun I had on my trip so I'm here to elaborate! Time to list out my top three favourite shopping experiences! Let's go:

1) Knotty by Nature. A fibre arts store providing everything a crafty girl could ask for! Full of delicious wool, inspirational projects, and crafty notions! Also the home of many knit bicycles (like this one I captured last year) and amazing shop displays! Take a peek:

Also the source of some awesomely amazing felt squares I loved so much I went back for more! I also snapped up some handmade driftwood buttons! Oh the crafting possibilities! Check out those colours:

2) Smoking Lily. Potentially the best use of 4 x 11ft this shop is full of locally printed and sewn goodies - all with a lovely Rifflandia 20% discount! Not only did I score some sweet deals - I also fell in love with their newspaper print moth display on their ceiling! Neat!

And following the theme - here is a shot of my smoking lily purchases including some betsy and ida earrings, anatomical red leather heart brooch, and screen printed moth vintage (with a touch of doily) hankie:

Bringing us to my final victoria shopping destination...

3) Floating Gold Iceberg. Okay - so this image is actually from their flickr page - but I almost managed a complete image set for this list! FGI was an amazingly great find of a store filled with all the handmade local(ish) accessories to drool over! Another tiny shop that packed a punch! And with a 25% Rifflandia savings! What fun!

I managed to pick up a few pieces from two of my long time favourite canadian crafty ladies horn of plenty and bonspeil! Nothing like a refurbished tea cup bangle, ceramic tile necklace, and recycled leather owl clutch to perk up the end of a trip! I also loved how they wrapped delicate items in old pattern pieces! Such a good idea!

I hope this post solidifies the fact that I had a fantastic time on my mini break! Oh, and that victoria shopping is super rad! I'm sure if I lived there that I would either get bored of all the local goodies or (more likely) be amazingly broke from all the spending...good thing I live in kamloops! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. You and your clutches. I want to see a blog post with ALL of them in it. I don't know how long you can sustain this clutch-buying trend. It's like when I went on a two year jewelery bender...
