
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kirigami leaves!

I came across this fantastic tutorial over at zakka life a few weeks ago and just had to share it with you! Behold - the most amazing kirigami (cut origami) fall leaves:

Ooo! I do love ginkos - but if you're looking for some more traditional trees:

Fun! And a perfect way to celebrate fall! I think these would be so awesome on an autumn table setting or maybe tucked under candles? Heck - string them into a garland, cover a notebook, or decoupage your bathroom - the uses are limitless! I sort of feel like these leaves are doily related (maybe it is just me?) so maybe that is why I'm so drawn to them...they look like a rad little project though - what would you use them for?


  1. The ginko leaves look great. I do love ginkos. (See the tree in my front yard. Mom

  2. I like the ginkgo and the oak leaves. These remind me of snowflakes.

  3. beautiful...
    what would I use them for?
    Gift cards...part of a painting...or perhaps they'd just sit inside a book between pages for years...just like real leaves I have collected.
    P.S.wonderful world you have here!

  4. hai, that's cool. do you have any tutorial to create those cute leaves? :)
