
Monday, October 11, 2010

Road Trip: Smithers

I'm back from a week in british columbia's north (ish) and boy what a trip! I've decided to share all my vacation highlights with a series of pictures for your viewing enjoyment! Hooray! Let's go!

The trip started off with a lot of trees and a lot of driving (11 hours to be exact):

It actually got pretty monotonous after a while but the fall colours were lovely! So much yellow! After the epic drive we arrived in smithers to meet my niece jean! Hello sleeping baby:

Oh so cute! We also got to see loads of wildlife on the trip including bears, deer, and sea otters! And this mountain goat?: the goat is just a statue but smithers has loads of them! My sister really wanted me to do a post on all the cool statues there, but unfortunately car sickness cut that plan pretty quickly. We did however get to enjoy some more lovely fall when my sister and I walked down to the park to visit my dad fishing on the river:

Got to love abnormally warm pre-thanksgiving weekends! The rest of the trip pretty much revolved around jean and soaking up all her adorableness:

I can't believe how tiny we all start out (okay...most of us start out...I had a good 2 pounds on jean when I was born...). And it also gave me the opportunity to give her first present from her auntie kate! Mr. T the corduroy dinosaur! Little kid shopping is so much fun! I have a feeling jean is going to be quite the spoiled child. Oh and in case you haven't seen enough of her - here I am holding that bundle of sleeping cuteness:

Hooray! Whirlwind super fun trip! And crazy speedy blog post writing from me (in case you couldn't already tell...) with lots of exclamation marks! Yay! !!!


  1. that snuggle in that babies do is my absolute favourite. She's a cutie pie.

  2. The scenery is so beautiful there! And that is one cute baby! :)

  3. I love these photos. That last pic is great - meeting new nieces is fun!

  4. What can I say but Jean stole my heart. Mom

  5. She just keeps getting cuter... except for the pimples on her cheeks right now :( She loves all her new toys- especially Mr. T and the giraffes!
