
Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Find: Paige Russel

For my last installment of "cool artisans I met at the fabulous finds show in kelowna" I thought I'd feature the uber talented paige russel as my friday find! If I ever did venture into the world of pottery I would certainly love to make such stylish goods as paige! Look at all those clean round lines:

And if miscellaneous spouted jugs aren't your thing she makes a variety of charming pendants too:

Since I am such a sucker for handmade jewelery you may not be surprised to know that I bought a selection of pendants from the show too! How exciting! Oh, and in true kelowna style (yet again) paige also has a vintage shop to peek at (quite the trend it seems). She sells in boutiques all over north america, and if you aren't lucky enough to see her stuff in real life you can always visit her website! Hooray for internet shopping! Happy friday everyone!


  1. oooh, i LOVE those spouted jugs!

  2. Her business cards! Don't forget that they are MADE from pottery. GENIUS!

  3. That stuff is beautiful! I want to make pottery...

  4. Wow, I love the spouted jugs! One would be on my Christmas List. Mom
