
Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday Find: New Years Eve!

Can you believe that 2010 is almost over? And what a year it has been! This may even be my first year to sort of stick to my new years resolutions too! Let's take a moment to look back on how they went!

Resolution #1 - blog everyday

Woo! Looks like I actually did it! And today being the last day of 2010 I'd say that resolution was a success! Biggest lesson I learned on blogging? It is really hard to come up with something to blog about every day! I am so pleased that I managed to pull this one off and although I'm not promising a post a day for 2011, I will try to keep blogging regularly into this upcoming year as well. I'm also super stoked to have build up a bigger fan base with a wonderful 123 followers! A big thank you to each and everyone of you out there taking time out of your precious days to read (and even comment) on my crafty ramblings! Hooray for you!

Resolution #2 - break into craft shows

I definitely focused on this goal and ended up doing a whole plethora of craft shows this year! I started out doing a small show in kelowna last may which stemmed into a summer full of bizarre bazaars and the ultra successful fabulous finds show (pictured above)! I had so much fun meeting customers and making sales and am so pleased to have started the craft sale side of selling! I'm hoping to continue on with this trend for next year and maybe even work in a few more consignment shops to keep a steady flow of money coming in! Woo!

Resolution #3 - banjo

Well...I think I'll give myself a half check for this one since I did manage to purchase a banjo (and such a pretty one at that) but haven't found time to really get into playing it. I did however see a whole slew of amazing banjo performances for added inspiration though! That counts right? Maybe 2011 will be better for my banjo success...

Now as far as my goals for 2011, here is what I am aiming for this year:

1) get my sketchbook project done! and posted! I've got 14 days left! Ack! (but at least I've started it now)

2) continuted craftiness! I'd love to work into a few new products, a fuller etsy shop, more craft shows and consignment and continued crafty success!

3) attempt to figure out the rest of my life (eep) and general good health choices cliche. I'm doubtful on this one...but I'd like to put it in there for good measure...


4) more pom poms! woohoo! (It just couldn't be a new year without a few poms...)

What do you think? Any of my resolutions actually manageable? How did your 2010 goals turn out? and what are you planning for 2011! Oh (and most importantly) what would you like to see from me to keep you reading my blog? *sigh* Farewell 2010! See you all next year!


  1. congrats on the blogging everyday! I know what you mean about finding something to blog about - my life just isn't that interesting to blog everyday but I do my best!

    Happy New Year!

  2. W00t w00t!

    I'm not resolving to do anything except lose enough weight to fit into all of my pre-pregnancy pants instead of just some of them.

    I'd like to see you delve into the world of Baby Geekery because regardless of what you say, freakin' EVERYONE loves babies, and people with babies love their babies even more, and those of us with babies spend, spend, spend on the little darlin's! As a side note, I bought Jean a onesie from superstore with lil' buddy wearing a sailor hat on it...

    Keep up the good bloggin' and don't get drunk and hit your noggin! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

  3. good job with your resolutions! i don't think that i'd be able to come up with a blog post everyday. and good luck with the sketchbook project, i still have to finish mine too!!
