
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

it was a record year for rainfall - part III

Hello! Time for me to share the final pages of my sketchbook project. I hope you've enjoyed parts I and II! Let's start off part III with the very worst thing about rain - wet jeans:

This next page was inspired by that time my sister and I did a guided low tide tour at jungle beach (on haida gwaii). It was raining so hard we were both drenched (under our rain gear and everything)! Ick!

My dad's favourite page:

Return of the little orange kitty!

I thought I was being so smart by lining up the water level with the sea water. Apparently I am very easily amused.

I did the "rain all day/rain all night" pages solely so I could include the owl and the pussycat (in their pea green boat). That nonsense poem is much more nonsensical than I remember...

Oo! That rain level is sure getting high! Looks like quite the flood!

Yay! More bull kelp!

Jim said this next page was a terrible morbid way to end the book...but that orange kitty is so cute! Even when he's drowning! That takes talent!

Nope. Can't leave it like that. Time to turn the story around at the last minute! Quick! Pull the plug!

*Whew* Water levels back to normal! And the book is finished! Oh except for that last page where I just put some contact info on there in case someone feels inspired to offer me a publishing deal or something (seriously - wouldn't that be cool?) or maybe just check out my blog or etsy shop (also quite cool).

Tada! Part III complete! So now that you've seen the whole thing what's your verdict? I'd love to hear what you think!


  1. Nice ending, too bad you didn't make two! Ha ha Mom

  2. awesome, awesome book! you should sign up for the fiction project (same idea from the art coop, but you illustrate a story instead of just a sketchbook!)!

  3. Oh no! My browser won't let me sign in to blogger and it deleted my comment when I tried!!! Anyway, what I was going to say was, I agree with Mom. Your book is awesome but it's a shame you don't get to keep a copy. Maybe you should go to Brooklyn or wherever it resides now and sign it out so you can scan it and make a copy for Jean! Hehe.


  4. What? Now I'm logged in? Je deteste Google Chrome.

  5. I just love your book, it's awesome!!!
