
Monday, January 2, 2012

Time to Resolve!

Oh the good ol' new years resolution. Each year I get motivated to change my life for the better and quickly after January starts I lose momentum and feel guilty about my eventual failure. Okay, so this isn't always the case, but I do think the whole idea of a new start in a new year is a little silly. There's really no reason why all the change needs to happen after Jan. 1st (and not, say, any other day of the year) but I suppose anything that pushes you for the better is a good thing! I've got a few stereotypical goals of my own for 2012 (so let's list them and hope it gets me extra motivated!):

1) Get Healthy(er)! Since we moved to Victoria in September my immune system has been on the fritz and with my new rheumatologist and medical trials I'm hoping to heal up! Yay!

2) Keep up with the craftiness! I'd love to get working on a whole slew of craft show stock so I am prepared and ready for the ever exciting new markets I'm hoping to dip into this spring/summer. Hopefully I'll even manage to photograph stuff to so I can share it on here and list some on etsy. OooO! What a plan! Heck - maybe I'll even be able to add to my wholesale and consignment stores!

3) Lose some weight. Yes yes, everyone always seems to add this to their list, but I mostly just want to be able to fit into my pants again. Losing weight is cheaper than having to buy a new wardrobe right? I'm just trying to be thrifty! (Oh and the weight loss would be great for my joints too). Any low impact tips for me?

and 4) Blog with impact. I may not be able to stick to the daily posts, but I am hoping to have a year of wonderfully interesting crafts, recipes, outfits, links, and images to share with you along the way! I'm aiming to feel less stressed about the quantity and extra focused on the quality. In an ideal world I'll even manage to make up a few tutorials on here to help you with your wide set eye smile endeavors as well! Hooray!

That seems like quite the challenge for the new year, but here's to hoping they all go well. What do you think? What are your resolutions and how to you stick to them?


  1. Sounds great to me! I don't make resolutions though. I know I won't change and don't want to set myself up for failure.

  2. I think that the blogging resolution is a great idea.


  3. Always yoga for low impact! You can get surprising results too:)

  4. I made resolutions too! Just in the off chance I actually stick to it... Also a great low impact fitness is aqua fit or water jogging. Both are super easy and you don't really eve need to know how to swim cuz they have floatation belts. Water jogging you can do in the slow lap lane with no prior instruction. Just put on a floaty belt and then do a modified running motion while staying basically vertical through the water! So easy right?!

  5. I made resolutions too! Just in the off chance I actually stick to it... Also a great low impact fitness is aqua fit or water jogging. Both are super easy and you don't really eve need to know how to swim cuz they have floatation belts. Water jogging you can do in the slow lap lane with no prior instruction. Just put on a floaty belt and then do a modified running motion while staying basically vertical through the water! So easy right?!
