
Monday, March 21, 2011

Make your own: pop rocks!

My best buddy jim is all about the random internet findings. He often thrills me with tales of randomness and I was particularly excited about a "make your own pop rocks tutorial" he was telling me about. I had to investigate it for myself:

Cool! I mean who doesn't love pop rocks! They're like an experiment and a candy - all in one! I was all stoked to try to whip up a batch until I realized that I can't find citric acid crystals anywhere in town...looks like I will put this tutorial on the back burner for the time being. Oh, and while I'm at it I think I'll hit the sev and pick up some candy...mmm....


  1. Interesting! Too bad about the crystals. You could have sent me some homemade pop rocks in my belated birthday parcel (which would have been rad!).

  2. I don't think I have ever had pop rocks or if I did I was too old to enjoy them. Mom

  3. I know that I'm way late in answering this, but you can go to a pharmacy and get them to order them for you. I work at London drugs as a pharmacist and we order them in all the time. Downside is that you need to buy a 50g jar but they are less than ten bucks.

  4. I know that I'm way late in answering this, but you can go to a pharmacy and get them to order them for you. I work at London drugs as a pharmacist and we order them in all the time. Downside is that you need to buy a 50g jar but they are less than ten bucks.
