
Monday, April 11, 2011

brooch week! day 1 of 7

Welcome to brooch week here on the blog! Although I've been saying this for a while now, brooches are long overdue for a fashion comeback and since I absolutely adore craft projects that:

1) let me use felt (I do love me some felt)
2) are small scale (quick and satisfying)
3) allow me to stretch my creative muscles (they're a little sore)

I'm so happy to take the week to celebrate a fantastic felt brooch a day! Hooray! So let's get started with the first brooch:

Since pretty much all the items I sell in my etsy shop are wide set eye smiled anthropomorphic cuteness it is nice to make something that takes a step away from that once in a while. I thought I'd do the heart/wood-grain embroidery for this piece before I realized that I didn't exactly have the right brown felt for the project so I went with gray. I also thought I'd do the stitching in dark brown but somewhere along the way my brain decided dark gray embroidery cotton was better. In fact, I actually didn't even notice that I was stitching in gray until I was about half way finished and then I wasn't prepared to start the brooch over again. Do you ever have those "my brain disconnects from my spinal cord" moments? Maybe that's just me. I am really pleased with how it turned out and even though jim told me he thought it was jupiter with a heart on it, I do really like the pattern in gray. After all, it is a nice neutral colour palette to wonderfully accessorize with any outfit! Take a close up look:

Yay! I think my stitching skills are really improving since I started selling crafts back in 2008 and I am really enjoying embroidery! What do you think of brooch 1 of 7?


  1. I like it - though I think brown would have worked better for mt palette. I wear a lot of brown. The design is great, though. If only it had some... trees... hehe :)

  2. I love the palette but could see this done in a range of colours too.

    I love that you are challenging yourself this way. Makes me wish I had a little more time to devote to making stuff. I'd say was being lazy but really it just makes sense to blame it on the baby.

    Can't wait to see what you have for tomorrow

  3. I like your pattern and colours (colour is spelt the Canadian way) ! So there! Mom

  4. Hooray for "u"! Hehe :) I think this nice grey palette would be excellent for a design featuring something iconic and Canadian. This is land of the silver bark, after all... Something evoking the desolation of Northern living, the desire to make an existence for ourselves out of the wilderness. Perhaps something that brings to mind the poetry of Earle Birney or Margaret Atwood? With a little hope thrown in there for good measure? I know that since you're so amazing, you'll be able to whip something up that meets all these ridiculous demands of mine.
