
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Crafty Peep Swap!

Remember back in April when I signed up to participate in Strumpet's Crumpet's Crafty Peep Swap? (No? Here's a link). Well I am a wee bit behind on sharing the awesome results of the swap (since I was away on the cruise when they arrived) but boy was my swap partner ever a sweetheart! I got paired up with the wonderfully talented RobbieLee from! She specializes in baby apparel but is switching over to all handmade goods for every member of the family! Just take a peek at the fun goodies RobbieLee sent me:

We emailed back and forth for a while to get to know eachother and RobbieLee made me some fun handmade accessories and a new little kitty for our household (since Fraser is allergic to cats and we can't get a live one). Isn't that adorable? What a thoughtful gift! She even embroidered my name on the back:

I really like her little chickiedee ribbon tags too! Now that she is my new penpal (which I am so very excited for by the way) I can ask her how she makes them too! What fun! Plus the hairband looks extra adorable (and teal is one of my fav colours) so Leslie will be happy to see me pull my hair back (she has been bugging me to show more face)! Double win!

I sent RobbieLee a fuscia felt flower pin like the one I made for brooch week as well as a polymer clay painted geometric pendant. I was thrilled to bits to find out she liked them and even did a blog post of her own thanking me and showing them off! What a great gal!

Man crafty swaps are fun! I've made my art cards for the two ATC exchanges I signed up for too so I'll be sure to show you how those turn out when I get the results! Fun! I'd love to arrange a craft swap some time if anyone would be interested. What do you think?


  1. So fun! I love swaps. You got some cute stuff! I'm participating in the ATC swap on Punk Projects. I have to make my card today! EEKS!! I can't wait to see what my partner sends me. :)

  2. Jealous! All those fun pretty-much-one-of-a-kind hair accessories... Very cool stuff!

  3. More face is good! Maybe you'll be wearing it at work today when Jean and I come visit! (Blogger won't let me sign in - can you guess who this is?)

  4. Thanks Kate! You're such a sweetheart and I'm thrilled that you love the goodies from the Swap! I'd totally be down for another one :) How was your cruise!? Did you have a ton of fun??
