
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hooray! May!

Holy crap. It's May. Not totally sure where the month of April disappeared to but time is sure flying! All those April showers we had (well more like snow falls) did bring at least one May flower to my yard:

I thought it was sort of funny how the only bloom in our yard was a rogue tulip on the side of the grass and not in one of the many flower beds. It sure is pretty though - just check out that pop of colour:

Woo hoo! I planted a few mystery bulbs my Mom was throwing out last fall and we have a few daffodils in the front garden/weed patch. I germinated and planted a whole slew of seeds too so I'll be sure to keep you all posted on my green thumb progress (if there is any).

Now for the exciting-ness of the month of May! This month get ready for:

1) A new May playlist! This month's music celebrates my new found love for Eliza Doolitte, Adele, Avalanche City, and Ingrid Michealson while reminiscing with some old favourites! Yay!

2) My use of capitalization. Even if I am quite fond of lowercase, I've decided to switch it up and start capitalizing proper nouns. I know, I'm a rebel. Also - this will make Leslie happy.

3) Speaking of my sister - she's coming to visit and bringing my adorable one sock wearing niece Jean! Hooray! Auntie Kate time at last!

4) My first venture over the border! That's right! Fraser and I are going on a cruise with Fraser's work this month! We head to Vancouver this week, fly down to LA, and start up our cruise up the coast of the US this weekend! How exciting! We'll be stopping in San Fransisco, Astoria, Seattle, and Victoria then finishing up the trip when we return to Vancouver! I'm hoping some of you lovely readers can give me some tips so if you have any suggestions for things to see/do in any of those places please let me know! I'm pretty clueless when it comes to travel but I do have a selection of jersey cotton outfits ready for a comfortably airy trip.

5) I'm *hoping* to have 11 wonderful craft projects ready for all of you to read about while I am away on my 11 day vacation. I really loved the reaction from brooch week so I figure my wonderful readers might as well have a treat while I'm away! Fun!

6) May also means the arrival of the May long weekend and this year my whole family is getting together for a memorial celebrating my Grandma Jean! It will be the first time Fraser will get to meet many of my extended family and although memorials aren't the cheeriest of occasions, I'm sure it will be a great time!

7) May also = spring! and summer just around the corner! Hooray! Let's pack up the warm layers and replace them with airy ones! Also bring on the sunscreen and freckles!

8) Even though I've been saying this for a few months now...I'm also hoping to get around to tweaking the blog a bit and potentially bring in a few new types of posts! Exciting!

Whew! What a month I've got planned! What are you up to this month?


  1. Hooray for spring. I must get out and dead head all of my plants. But right now I am helping with the tile in my renovated kitchen. It's looking wonderful. Mom

  2. Funny you should mention Adele! I was listening to her a few days ago, and while I'm still on the fence, I know she's good!

    I had a friend who just went to Seattle. You have to do Pike Place, and go see Starbucks #1! The zoo is apparently a lot of fun.

    And as for Victoria... well. I can think of a few people you need to visit there! ;)

  3. HOORAY FOR CAPITALIZATION!!! Yes, this will make me very happy. I'll never have to wonder if you're talking about making something shinier or people from Poland again.

    Also, hooray for hoards of drunk MacCurracks. That's what I think Fraser's got in store for him. Neal sure had his eyes opened the time he came for July 1st.

  4. Lots of fun things planned! Your trip across the border sounds awesome!
