
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What I've been up to...

As my crafty to do list grows and grows I am happy to say that I finally got to cross off a few items! Woo hoo! Item number one? A Totoro key chain for Sarra:

Isn't he sweet? I picked up some new white felt last time I was in Victoria too so he was a treat to work on! I've never done a key chain before (I tend to stick to brooches) but I figured a little ribbon and a key ring would do the trick! She was also lucky enough to pick up my soot sprite magnets too! Look at the Studio Ghibli goodies all together:

Aren't they cute? I haven't been listing my left over mini break crafts because of the postal strike but now that Canada Post is back in action I'll try harder to get them in the shop! Of course the soot sprites won't make it there (since Sarra snatched them up) and neither did my avocado brooch (since my friend Jordan claimed that one). Perhaps one of these days I will get to making more of those items for the shop, but chances are I'll be too busy preparing for the summer farmer's market!

And speaking of the Artisan's Market...I got around to making a whole bunch of photo clips to sell there:

Oh aren't they fun! Now for the weather to clear up so my table won't be a rained out windy mess this Saturday. Wish me luck!


  1. Neato! I think key chains would be a good way to diversify your product without having to reinvent the wheel. People who might not be inclined to wear a brooch might be all over a key chain.

    Love the photo clippies. They're so neat.

    Good luck this weekend! I'll be home all alone - well, except for Jean. Neal is away at a track meet, and even his parents will be out of town. Maybe I'll actually get some good crafting done!

  2. I love then idea of a key chain.

  3. I love love the key chain and EEK the photo clips are awesome!!!! Good luck this weekend!!!!!

  4. Yay for Totoro! I started making soot sprites a long time ago but never got around to finishing them. I guess I need to get to work. Yours are so cute! :)
