
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fabric Pom Poms!

Okay, so this project is actually labelled as "full and textured fabric flowers" by the creators over at make it and love it, but being a pom pom fantastic I would much rather refer to them as fabric half pom poms. Just take a peek:

Aren't they fun? I love the bright colours they used for their demonstration flowers and the instructions make the project look pretty simple. They are very much like the felt flower brooches I make, except instead of felt you use fabric (obviously) and you can use a sewing machine instead of hand stitching (hooray for less time consumption!). Then you can make them into whatever you want! They look cute on the little girls over at make it and love it, but I think I'd prefer to wear mine as a brooch. Heck, once you put a bar pin on the back you could stick them anywhere! Wouldn't they be cute as a nice bright detail on a bag? What do you think? What would you use your half fabric pom for?

In other news, today is my second to last run at the Artisan's Market in downtown Kamloops. Feel free to pop by between 8 and 12 today for some Kate made goodies! Happy Saturday! Wish me luck!


  1. hmmm.. just tried commenting but it said i didn't have permission... let's try this again.

    i got my button yesterday! :D thanks!!!

    you chose a perfect one - the glassware is definitely my favourite design of yours.

    oh... well... no, that isn't true. The tea bag is my fave I think, but these guys are a close second!

    Thank you!

  2. Hi!

    I love those fabric pom poms y would use them to restyle a dress or a skirt i think(:
    Good luck at the artisans market! have fun!(;

    Hope you´re having an awesome weekend!

    Carmila Ponycat
