
Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Find: andwabisabi

Two things yesterday reminded me how much I love embroidery hoops. First my sister Leslie joking commented about her hatred for cross stitch which made me realize how awesome cross stitch can be (which, if you've ever done, involves a hoop usually). Then at my going away dinner (the extremely talented) Cindy wrapped a present for me in fabric which think would look fabulous in an embroidery hoop and hung on my wall! If you're a loyal blog reader of mine you might remember the post I did a good eleven months ago about how much I wanted to hang fabric swatches in hoops as art in our new (now old) rental (link). If not, not to worry, I apparently never got around to (although I did buy the hoops from a thrift shop!) and am now hoping to get to the project in our new place in Victoria! I've even been drooling over other people's fabulous hoop covered walls my Pinterest decor board too! Check out these samples:

Eee! Aren't they amazing!? I'm particularly in love with the embroidered cute ones from Kritsy of The Odd girl's craft room so I figured today's Friday Find (yes, it took me a while to get to it today) should be some cross stitch patterns that would be fun to add to my dream wall! Behold - some of the the wonderfulness that is etsy's andwabisabi:

Boy oh boy are there ever some fun patterns to chose from! There are 21 whole pages of inspiration to sift through with so much variety you are destine to find one you love! I'm keen on the cute/geeky/old lady type patterns myself, but I must say this whale best seller has stolen my heart:

Isn't he a dream? I love the thick texture of the linen fabric they made the sample one on and with a price tag of a mere $2.50 for a pattern what's stopping you? So what's the verdict? Do you think I'll actually get around to my embroidery hoop wall when I move next week? OoOo and what andwabisabi pattern should I make first!?


  1. Fun! I hope you get around to it, since I love embroidery hoop walls so! I want to expand mine badly!

  2. You know that I love cross stitch and have been doing it for forty years or more! EEK! How old am I (I started at a very young age- ha ha ha)! I liked the ginko leaf best but I would have positioned it differently.

  3. Hola!

    I love hoops too! Im an art student I i do many of my pieces with fabric and embroidery!
    I love the idea of the full with hoops wall you should definitly do it! and I I will choose the fox first(;

    have an awesome day Kate!

    Carmila Ponycat

  4. I like the little raincloud that's raining a rainbow. I wish the real rainclouds here were raining rainbows instead of water :( Have I mentioned that it's 11C here today. As the HIGH??? I might have to get cross stitching myself!
