
Monday, August 29, 2011

Mint Chandelier

So summer may be almost over, but when I saw this project over on Martha's site I just had to share it! Who wouldn't want a mint chandelier?

Yum! The perfect way to have some fresh herbs for your mojitos (or non alcoholic summery beverage) without the awful pain of mint plants taking over your yard! It could also be a great way to get a little greenery on say...a balcony of your new apartment!? Perfect! Looks like I've got another project to add to my list! What do you think? What would you want to plant in there?


  1. The photography is just spectacular on that site, eh? Love it. I can't really tell what the mint is planted in though. I agree totally that mint needs to be bound in a pot, or you're toast! Might be very nice on a balcony indeed. I grew mint on the back deck in Queen Charlotte and it was great to have for the odd bowl of tabboleh!

  2. Come on, you know me! I would want flowers!! If you want to eat them, plant those eatable ones I can't spell Nastursums. You can guess what they are! Mom
