
Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy 1st Bday Jean!

Happy Friday and a very happy 1st birthday to my wonderfully adorable neice Jean!

Ahaha! What a sweetie! Even though I'm sure she's enjoying taking all the presents I sent her and either 1) putting them in her mouth 2) throwing them across the room or 3) smashing them and trying to hide them inside things I can't share any pictures of that since she's all the way up North and I'm busy living up the wonderful sights and sounds of the Rifflandia Music Festival! Hurrah! If you haven't had enough cute Jean (which, clearly, you haven't) you can come check out my facebook fan page and see the sweetest little 12 second clip of her awkward attempt at walking, and while you're there, feel free to like me too! Yay! What are you up to?

1 comment:

  1. I am cruising the internet while Jean takes a nap, then I might take her for a nice walk up to the glacier. Whee!
